
InadditiontohisapartmentinManhattan,hehasavillainItalyandacastleinScotland.除了在曼哈頓擁有一套公寓外,他在義大利還有一座鄉間別墅,在蘇格蘭有一 ...,Inadditiontolookingafterthebaby,shehasbeencontinuingwithherstudies.·Inadditiontobeingapolitician,hestillworksasalawyer.,inaddition的用法​Antonyisanoutstandingpianist.Inaddition,heisgoodatdoingmagictricks.Antony是一位傑出的鋼琴家,此外,他還很擅長變...

IN ADDITION (TO)中文(繁體)翻譯:劍橋詞典

In addition to his apartment in Manhattan, he has a villa in Italy and a castle in Scotland. 除了在曼哈頓擁有一套公寓外,他在義大利還有一座鄉間別墅,在蘇格蘭有一 ...

IN ADDITION (TO)在劍橋英語詞典中的解釋及翻譯

In addition to looking after the baby, she has been continuing with her studies. · In addition to being a politician, he still works as a lawyer.

「in addition to」跟「in addition」用法差在哪?來搞懂!

in addition 的用法​ Antony is an outstanding pianist. In addition, he is good at doing magic tricks. Antony 是一位傑出的鋼琴家,此外,他還很擅長變魔術。

in addition to (【片語】除……之外(還) )意思、用法及發音

This was in addition to up to 200,000 won they received monthly from the government.這個數字還不包含政府每個月給他們至多20萬韓圓的補助內。

addition (【名詞】增加的人或物)意思、用法及發音

In addition, the teenager was accepted at four other schools in the United States.除此之外,這位年輕人還拿到美國另外四所大學的入學許可。

【易混淆英文】8種表達除了的用法In addition和In addition to差在哪

舉個例子: In addition to piano, she can also play the guitar and violin. 除了鋼琴,她還會彈吉他和小提琴。

【In addition 用法】與In addition to有什麼不同?【文法懶人包】

In addition 例句​ 這家公司以其優秀的客戶服務聞名,此外,他們還提供各種產品。 She is a talented musician. In addition, she is also a skilled ...

in addition和in addition to的英文用法差別

例句7. She works as an engineer. In addition to her full-time job, she is a bartender at a pub in the evening. (她是一名工程師。 除了她的全職工作以外,她晚上還 ...

in addition 和in addition to的用法差異是什麼

in addition 是副詞,中文的意思為「而且;此外」,通常會放置於句首,可以用來修飾整個句子,如下例: ex.) I finished my homework. In addition, I did some household chores. (我做完了作業。 此外,我還做了一些家事。)

In addition、besides ... 轉折語讓英文寫作更具連貫性1

in addition 此外. besides 此外. moreover 此外 [例句]. ・You shouldn't go out. It's late. Besides, a storm is coming. 你不應該出門了。現在已經三更半夜。此外 ...